12:00 Grand Opening Deco Days 2023
12:15 How to grow your sales with online marketing, George Rășchitor
12:45 Brand presentation, short history of Inliving, Rodica Bonta
12:45 Anti-crisis design. How to go forward, Natalia Berezovskaia
13:00 Business know-how in interior design, Sebastian Mîndroiu, Diana Dachin, Radu Călin
13:45 The arhitectural lighting, Lyset
14:00 Architecture and design of ceramic (powered by ImarCom), Jose Miguel Pellicer & Luigi Romanelli
14:00 Inner harmony: from aesthetics to acoustics in design, Narativo
14:15 Discover the decorative and modular TEM Modules, Promelek
14:45 Panel The network of creativity. From experiment to experience in indoor spaces, Moderator & Special Guest: Patricia Opincariu
15:00 Cluster Mobilier Transilvan - Collaborations with meaning and long fights, Talk with Zilahi Imre
15:25 Mendola Fabrics Business Review
15:40 Collection launch: Fall/Winter 2023, Mendola Fabrics
16:10 Masterclass: The challenges of an interior design business in the age of AI, Victor Grosu
16:55 Traditions, contemporaneity and sustainability - Newmor & Jacaranda (powered by Sonerg) - Paul Koppers, Daniel Cook
17:20 How to design and be cool in social media, Camilla Bellini & Paola Leo
17:45 Pops of Colour, Global Design
17:45 Mendola Fabrics Success Story
18:15 Branding Mendola Fabrics, Ioan Pintea
18:30 Panel: Interior design concepts Deco Days 2023, Moderator Ileana Răducanu
Host: Conference Stage: Ioana Ciurlea, Host Workshop Stage: Ioana Mocanu