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Deco Days 2019 experience | review

Deco Days 2017: live possibilities

This year, Deco Days was about people. About people passionate about textures, shades and trends. People who accept the challenge of letting themselves be carried on the versatile textile thread every day. People who share our passion for fabrics and who love the art of interior design. The concept of this edition focused on people. The people who give life to the Mendola Fabrics brand every day.


How did the event go?

Well, the 4th edition f Deco Days took place this time at Platinia Shopping Center. The Fall/Winter 2019 collection of curtains and sheers was launched this time in a business setting, interwoven with captivating live experiences and creative interactions with new materials.

Deco Days 2019, DAY I

The first day of the event began with the opening of the conference by our host Bogdan Bob Rădulescu. Starting from the introduction of the concept of the 4th edition - for the people - and addressing technical issues related to technical and technological improvements implemented in the last year - the conference was, in short, a mix of useful information for the invited partners.

Un spațiu inovativ și neconvențional: Impact Hub

Un spațiu inovativ și neconvențional: Impact Hub

Deco Days 2019, DAY I

The first day of the event began with the opening of the conference by our host Bogdan Bob Rădulescu. Starting from the introduction of the concept of the 4th edition - for the people - and addressing technical issues related to technical and technological improvements implemented in the last year - the conference was, in short, a mix of useful information for the invited partners.

Retrospectiva anului 2017

Zoltán Gündisch – General Manager Mendola Investment Group

Inaugurarea programului Mendola Club

Ioan Pintea – Sales and Marketing Manager

Lansarea colecției Contemporary concept line

Agnes Lukacs – Designer

Prezentare Mendola Interior Brand – made for soul

Ioan Pintea – Sales and Marketing Manager

Soluții creative cu rejansele Bandex

Martin Grübener – Managing Partner – Bandex Textil & Handels-GmbH

Sisteme de șine motorizate inteligente Forest

Frans J.B.Smit – Senior Export Manager – Forest Group NL

The atmosphere was animated by the Q&A session. The interactivity was maintained by presenting the brand and its tools through a live dialogue between Ioan Pintea (Marketing and Sales Manager) and Bence Makkai (Visual Partner). The latest news from the online environment were also reviewed, then 7 interesting prizes were awarded to our guests.

Deco Days 2019, DAY I

The first day of the event began with the opening of the conference by our host Bogdan Bob Rădulescu. Starting from the introduction of the concept of the 4th edition - for the people - and addressing technical issues related to technical and technological improvements implemented in the last year - the conference was, in short, a mix of useful information for the invited partners.

The focus of the conference was the interactive creative session, in which each guest actively and creatively participated in creating a moodboard. The theme was to follow the trend direction, so that everyone had the opportunity to juggle textures, fabrics, colors and patterns. The result? We believe it was an honorable one:

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Deco Days Background

Deco Days is the launching event of our Fall/Winter Collections. Over the years Deco Days became emblematic for Mendola Fabrics Brand, giving the guests a complex sensory experience. Every year we search for the most original ways for our guests to identify themselves with the latest collections, deepen market trends, learn about interior design, and get new ideas into developing their own businesses. The first Deco Days edition took place in September 2016, becoming a tradition for the company, employees, partners, customers and collaborators.

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